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Under a Spell

Deceived, Depraved*, Delusional, Dammed (*unrighteousness) 2Thes. 2:11


n Shakespear’s Mid-Summer Night’s Dream, a ‘spell’ is cast on Titania and Bottom (who has the head of an Ass) and they seemingly fall ‘head over hoofs’ in love with each other. Today it seems Satan has cast a spell, paving the road to Hell, and proving what God has been telling us all along: Sin is insane. America has chosen the Bald Eagle as its emblem, the Republicans, the Elephant. For some reason, the Democrat Party chose the Ass as it’s representative symbol. Their cries, “Free, Free Palestine,” are like the bray of the Jackass ignoring, not only the massacre of Oct. 7 and the subterranean, nether-world of Hamas, which is a fanatical colony of fire ants living in tunnels beneath Gaza; they also ignore that Islam will not allow them to work, let alone twerk, or act like a jerk, singing “Girls just want to have fun.” -id